Articles of the Constitution Summary The Summary of the Articles of the Constitution Article 1 for Kids Article 1 consists of 10 Sections that address the power vested in the Legislative Branch, the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Elections of Senators and Representatives, the Rules of House and Senate, the subjects of Compensation and Privileges of Members, the Passage of Bills, the Scope of Legislative Power, the Limits on Legislative Power and the Limits on States. It details a summary and explanation of the text with sections and clauses Text and Summary: Article 2 for Kids Article 2 consists of 4 Sections that address the Presidency and the subjects of Election, Installation and Removal, Presidential Power, the State of the Union, Receiving Ambassadors, Laws Faithfully Executed, Commission Officers and the subject of Impeachment. It details a summary and explanation of the text with sections and clauses Text and Summary: Article 3 for Kids Article 3 consists of 3 Sections that address the powers vested in the Judiciary, the Scope of Judicial Power and the subject of Treason. It details a summary and explanation of the text with sections and clauses Text and Summary: Article 4 for Kids Article 4 consists of 4 Sections that address the States referred to as Full Faith and Credit. It details a summary and explanation of the text. Text and Summary: Article 5 for Kids Article 5 consists of 1 Section that addresses the amendment process. It details a summary and explanation of the text. Text and Summary: Article 6 for Kids Article 6 consists of 1 Section that addresses the the Legal Status of the Constitution. It details a summary and explanation of the text Text and Summary: Article 7 for Kids Article 7 consists of 1 Section that addresses the subject of Ratification (approval). It also It also lists the names of the signers. Articles of the Constitution for Kids - Video of the American Presidents The article provides the text and a simplified summary of one of the most important documents in the history of America, the Constitution. The following video will give you important facts and dates about the political events experienced by all of the Presidents of America. |